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Strategic Planning Gaps

Most strategic plans make my head hurt. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Common (aka frustrating) gaps include: No balance between the critical dimensions of financial, customer, staff and quality/risk Lots of fluff without substance – i.e. no tangible (objective, normally numeric) targets Not considering BAU as a critical part of the strategy   It’s this last one that… Read More »Strategic Planning Gaps

The Wicked Productivity Problem

Spending time on non-value tasks results in reduced productivity.  But given this seems self-evident, why are non-value tasks so prevalent in our workplaces? A not-so-recent article preview here indicates that certain knowledge worker roles can realise a 40% improvement by eliminating non-value tasks from their working day.  And while the sample size wasn’t large for this particular article, the observations… Read More »The Wicked Productivity Problem

Beware the subjective metric

I recently read an article that proposed a pretty dodgy way to measure Cost Per Transaction (CPT).  It proposed an simple alternative to activity-based-costing through some simple extimates and sought to break down the CPT between different transaction types in a Service environment using the following method: Team Managers estimated the % of time their people spend on the varying… Read More »Beware the subjective metric